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The SEPT Competence Center, with support of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and BMZ, supports academic qualification measures for individuals from developing countries via the international digital IDEA summer school.

The IDEA Summer School’s 2024 Onboarding Week which took place between May 27th to 30th has successfully wrapped up! This year participants were grouped into three themes Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Education.

Now, we eagerly await the next phases:
1. Online Self-Paced Learning from July 22th to 26th Dive deeper into cutting-edge concepts at your own pace!
2. Stay in Leipzig from September 1st to 24th
3. Virtual Conference from October 16th to 18th

The IDEA Summer School aims to enable the participants to plan and implement specific projects for knowledge transfer. Therefore, the project ideas are at the heart of the Summer School. We focus on three channels of knowledge transfer: Innovation, Entrepreneurship (business idea development) and Education. Each of the tracks aims to empower the participants to develop their own project idea further as a direct output of the Summer School.