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The September issue 31/3 of Electronic Markets (EM) is now online and comprises the special issue on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics in the areas of travel, hospitality and leisure (THL).

As described in the editorial on “Electronic Markets on robotics” by Rainer Alt, THL may be conceived as sub-sectors of the tourism industry and are closely related to topics covered by EM since many years. The special issue section consists of a collection of eight papers, which are introduced by the preface of the Guest Editors Chulmo Koo, Zheng Xiang, Ulrike Gretzel and Marianna Sigala.

We also had the honor to interview Yao-Hua Tan, Professor of Information and Communication Technology at the TU Delft and discuss with him on "How to organize for AI". The general research complement the special issue the larger setting of AI with articles on machine learning in information systems, crowdfunding, purchase prediction, text completion interface and a fundamentals article on machine learning and deep learning. All articles are available via SpringerLink, seven of them via the open access option.

We wish to thank the guest editors and all authors, reviewers and editors who participated in this exciting issue!