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The second issue of Electronic Markets (EM) in 2022 is now online and comprises a broad collection of papers under the umbrella of platform transformation.

In the first part, it presents two special issues, which focus on transformation in the area of digital platforms. The first is on Social Welfare Computing, which features a transformation of the thinking on digital platforms, and the second on the digital transformation of digital platforms in general, in particular from private to public platforms.

In the second part, it includes a collection of 17 general research papers, which were framed in the editorial on “Electronic Markets on platform transformation” authored by Rainer Alt, who also structures the notion of platform transformation. In sum, the papers are convincing examples of the vivid research activity in the context of platform transformation, in particular. The increased consideration of social aspects, the rise of public platforms and the many taxonomies and archetypes for digital (platform) business models are research results that contribute novel aspects as well as structure to the domain of digital transformation.

All articles are available via SpringerLink, twenty-four of them via the open access option. Our thanks go to the guest editors and all authors, reviewers and editors who participated in this exciting issue!