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Titled "Continuous Innovation with DevOps - IT Management in the Age of Digitalization and Software-defined Business" this new book connects the world of digitalization with classic IT management. It recognizes that with the presence of software in objects, products and processes, most businesses will become software-defined businesses. The authors Rainer Alt, Gunnar Auth and Christoph Kögler provide a comprehensive introduction to continuous innovation, the DevOps concept and lay the foundations of an innovation-oriented IT management. The DevOps approach to continuous innovation, which combines lean and agile concepts with an automated tool chain, enables solutions that synergize fast (re)action through digital innovation on the one hand and long-term development cycles as well as a stable operation on the other. A comprehensive case study of T-Systems MMS, a digital service provider from Deutsche Telekom in Germany, illustrates the use of this approach in practice. The book has been published with Springer and comprises five chapters:

1. Digital Transformation and Software-Defined Business

2. Continuous Innovation and IT Management

3. DevOps for Continuous Innovation

4. Continuous Innovation with DevOps at T-Systems MMS

5. Learnings for Continuous Innovation

The electronic and the print version of the book are available here.