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A new special issue on the opportunities and challenges in the metaverse has been initiated in the renowned Internet Research journal. It addresses the metaverse, which refers to an interactive, immersive, and collaborative virtual world environment. For example, the metaverse may unlock new opportunities to connect buyers and sellers. At the same time, the metaverse challenges personal privacy since the artificial presence includes rich data from the real world that may also be subject to cybercrime.

The special issue is organized by the guest editors Xusen Cheng from Renmin University of China, Jian Mou from Pusan National University, Xiao-Liang Shen from Wuhan University, Triparna de Vreede from the University of South Florida and Rainer Alt from Leipzig University. It is open for contributions from a variety of conceptual and theoretical perspectives. The submission system opens May 1, 2022 and accepts submissions until August 31, 2022.

Internet Research (IntR) is an international and refereed journal that is indexed and abstracted in major databases (e.g., SSCI, SCI, ABI/INFORM Global), with an impact factor of 6.773 in 2020. You may find the call for papers on the journal webpage: