Below you find a list of all publications in English. You may obtain a more complete picture together with projects on Leipzig University's research portal Leuris.


Alt, R., Schmidt, R., Zimmermann, A., Platform competition in the age of networked platforms, in: Denga, M., Hornuf, L. (Eds.): Regulatory competition in the digital economy - Artificial intelligence, data, and platforms, Springer, Cham, pp. 55-80.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Characteristics of platform shifts - A single case study of ChatGPT, in: Proceedings 58. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, pp. 6205-6214.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., The concept of platform federations - A case study of ChatGPT browser plugins, in: Proceedings 58. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, pp. 3803-3812.

Wrobel, L., Dietzmann, C., Alt, R., Ready for managing AI projects? An analysis of AI project management frameworks, in: Proceedings 58. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, pp. 5519-5528.


Alt, R., Fridgen, G., Chang, Y., The future of fintech - Towards ubiquitous financial services, in: Electronic Markets, 34(2024), 3.

Cheng, X., Mou, J., Shen, X.-L., de Vreede, T., Alt, R., Exploring the research opportunities and challenges in the Metaverse, in: Internet Research, 34(2024)1, pp. 1-8.

Human, S., Neumann, G., Alt, R., Introduction to the minitrack on human-centricity in a sustainable digital economy, in: Proceedings 57. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Honolulu.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Exploring the scope of multi-platforms - A network science approach, in: Proceedings 32. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Paphos.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Generative assistants for handling incidents in IT service management, in: Proceedings 45. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Bangkok.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Higher-order externalities in multi-platform ecosystems, in: Proceedings 57. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Honolulu, pp. 3990-3999.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Introduction to the minitrack on artificial intelligence-based assistants and platforms, in: Proceedings 57. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Honolulu, pp. 3957-3959.

Ukena, T., Alt, R., Contributions of AI to advance interoperability with data mediators, in: Proceedings 19. International Conference on Business Informatics (WI), Würzburg.


Blöcher, K., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Managing customer data in data-driven service innovation: A framework of data principles, in: Proceedings 18. International Conference on Business Informatics (WI), Paderborn.

Dietzmann, C., Towards a framework for assessing the business impact of artificial intelligence, Doctoral thesis Leipzig University.

Dietzmann, C., Jaeggi, T., Alt, R., Implications of AI-based robo-advisory for private banking investment advisory, in: Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, 2(2023)1, pp. 2-23.

Gräser, M., Harris, C., Alt, R., Reinhold, O., How integrated Social CRM affects business success: Learnings from a literature analysis, in Proceedings 2023 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), IEEE, pp. 547-554.

Human, S., Neumann, G., Alt, R., Human-centricity of digital economies: From concepts to assessment methodologies, case-based studies, solutions and beyond, in Proceedings 56. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kaanapali, pp. 4004-4005.

Koo, C., Kim, J., Alt, R., Spatial is special: Special issue on exploration for spatial approach in smart tourism cities, in: Information Processing & Management, 60(2023)4, 103401.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Antipatterns of digital platforms, in: Proceedings ICIS 2023 TREOS, 31.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Assistant platforms, in: Electronic Markets, 33(2023), 59.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Emergent structures on multi-platforms, in: Proceedings ICIS 2023 TREOS, 100.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Introduction to the minitrack on artificial intelligence-based assistants, in: Proceedings 56. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kaanapali, pp. 3441-3443.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Measuring ecosystem complexity - Decision-making based on complementarity graphs, Proceedings 56. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kaanapali, pp. 3464-3473.

Sunyaev, A., Dehling, T., Strahringer, S., Xu, L.D., Heinig, M., Perscheid, M., Alt, R., Rossi, M., The future of enterprise information systems, in: Business Information Systems & Engineering, 65(2023)6, pp. 731–751.

Viana, J., Alt, R., Reinhold, O., Design options for smart services in energy communities: A multi-criteria mapping analysis among stakeholders, in: International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 28(2023)3/4, pp. 141-158.

Zimmermann, A., Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Masuda, Y., Chehri, A., Digital strategy and architecture for human-centered intelligent systems, in: Zimmermann, A., Howlett, R., Jain, L.C. (Eds.), Human Centred Intelligent Systems, Proceedings KES-HCIS 2023, Springer, Singapore, pp. 33-42.


Alt, R., Electronic Markets on platform dualities, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)1, pp. 1-10.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on platform transformation, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)2, pp. 401-409.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on platform culture, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)3, pp. 1019-1031.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on AI and standardization, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)4, pp. 1795-1805.

Alt, R., From competitive advantage to social welfare - An interview with Eric K. Clemons, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)2, pp. 487-492.

Alt, R., Managing AI is managing complexity - An interview with Rahul C. Basole, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)3, pp. 1119-1125.

Alt, R., On the potentials of quantum computing - An interview with Heike Riel from IBM Research, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)4, pp. 2537-2543.

Alt, R., Huch, S., Fintech dictionary: Terminology for the digitalized financial world, Springer, Wiesbaden.

Alt, R., Reinhold, O., Social customer relationship management: Fundamentos, aplicações e tecnologias, Editora CRV, Curitiba (Brazil).

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Towards AI application marketplaces - An interview with Dorian Selz, in: Electronic Markets, 32(2022)1, pp. 139-143.

Blöcher, K., Alt, R., The potentials of personal data management for smart service innovation, in: Bruhn, M., Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Smart Services im Dienstleistungsmanagement, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 335-362 (Download of pre-print version).

Blöcher, K., Hunke, F., Alt, R., Satzger, G., From personal data to service innovation - Guiding the design of new service opportunities, in: Proceedings 55. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 1822-831.

Hrach, C., Alt, R., Sackmann, S., Process-oriented documentation of user requirements for analytical applications - challenges, state of the art and evaluation of a service-based configuration approach, in: Proceedings 17. Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (ACSIS), pp. 773-782.

Human, S., Alt, R., Habibnia, H., Neumann, G., Human-centric personal data protection and consenting assistant systems: Towards a sustainable digital economy, in: Proceedings 55. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4727-4736.

Human, S., Neumann, G., Alt, R., Introduction to the minitrack on human-centricity in a sustainable digital economy, in Proceedings 55. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4695-4696.

Morschheuser, C., Alt, R., Sachse, S., Morschheuser, B., Results of an experiment to investigate the impact of gamification on sustainable behavior, in: Proceedings 30. International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD).

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Nurcan, S., Introduction to the minitrack on social information systems and platforms: Designing Complexity, in: Proceedings 55. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 3314-3316.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Ecosystem intelligence for AI-based assistant platforms, in: Proceedings 55. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4316-4325.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Introduction to the minitrack on artificial intelligence-based assistants, in: Proceedings 55. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4283-4285.

Viana, J., Alt, R., Reinhold, O., Understanding customer-induced orchestration of services: A review of drivers and concepts, in: Abramowicz, W., Auer, S., Stróżyna, M. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops (BIS 2021), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 444, Springer, Cham, pp. 186-197.


Alt, R., Digital transformation in the restaurant industry: Current developments and implications, in: Journal of Smart Tourism,1(2021)1, pp. 69-74.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on digital platforms and AI, in: Electronic Markets, 31(2021)2, pp. 233-241.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on the next convergence, in: Electronic Markets, (31(2021)1, pp. 1-9.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on platform complexity, in: Electronic Markets, 31(2021)4, pp. 737-742.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on robotics, in: Electronic Markets, 31(2021)3, pp. 465-471.

Alt, R., How to organize for AI? An interview with Yao-Hua Tan, in: Electronic Markets, 31(2021)3, pp. 639-642.

Alt, R., Auth, G., Kögler, C., Continuous innovation with DevOps: IT management in the age of digitalization and software-defined business, Springer, Cham.

Alt, R., Göldi, A., Österle, H., Portmann, E., Spiekermann, S., Life engineering - Towards a new discipline, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63(2021)2, pp. 191-205.

Alt, R., Heinzl, A., Weinhardt, C., Introduction to the WI2021 Track: Future of digital markets and platforms, in: Ahlemann, F., Schütte, R., Stieglitz, S. (Eds.), Innovation through information systems, Volume III: A collection of latest research on management issues, Springer, Cham.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., The digital transformation of healthcare - An interview with Werner Dorfmeister, in: Electronic Markets, 31(2021), pp. 895-899.

Blöcher, K., Alt, R., AI and robotics in the European restaurant sector: Assessing potentials for process innovation in a high-contact service industry, in: Electronic Markets, 31(2021)3, pp. 529-551.

Human, S., Neumann, G., Alt, R., Human-centricity in a sustainable digital economy, in: Proceedings 54. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4372-4374.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Nurcan, S., Social information systems, in: Proceedings 54. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 2986-2987.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., Artificial intelligence-based assistants, in: Proceedings 54. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4024-4033.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Zimmermann, A., A conceptual model for assistant platforms, in: Proceedings 54. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS), pp. 4021-4023.

Ulrich, D., Alt, R., Social networking platforms to close the gender gap: An analysis of female doctoral students in information systems, in: Proceedings 29. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Viana, J., Alt, R., Reinhold, O., Smart services for energy communities: Insights on options and priorities from a multicriteria mapping study in Germany, in: Proceedings Bled eConference, pp. 499-515 (Link to conference proceedings).


Alt, R., Electronic Markets on blockchain markets, in: Electronic Markets, 30(2020)2, pp. 181-188.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on business model development, in: Electronic Markets, 30(2020)3, pp. 405-411.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on sustainability, in: Electronic Markets, 30(2020)4, pp. 667-674.

Alt, R., Evolution and perspectives of electronic markets, in: Electronic Markets, 30(2020)1, pp. 1-13.

Alt, R., Leimeister, J.M., Priemuth, T., Sachse, S., Urbach, N., Wunderlich, N., Software-defined business - Implications for IT management, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 62(2020)6, pp. 609-621.

Alt, R., Reinhold, O., Social customer relationship management: Fundamentals, applications, technologies, Springer, Cham.

Alt, R., Wende, E., Blockchain technology in energy markets: An interview with the European Energy Exchange, in: Electronic Markets, 30(2020)2, pp. 325-330.

Anke, J., Ebel, M., Pöppelbuss, J., Alt, R., How to tame the tiger - Exploring the means, ends and challenges in smart service systems engineering, in: Proceedings 28. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh.

Anke, J., Pöppelbuss, J., Alt, R., It takes more than two to tango: Identifying roles and patterns in multi-actor smart service innovation, in: Schmalenbach Business Review, 72(2020)4, pp. 599-634.

Anke, J., Pöppelbuss, J., Alt, R., Joining forces: Understanding organizational roles in inter-organizational smart service systems engineering, in: Proceedings 15. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Potsdam.

Blöcher, K., Wittwer, M., Alt, R., Customer data mapping - A method for data-driven service innovation, in: Proceedings 15. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Potsdam.

Chagas, B.N.R., Viana, J., Reinhold, O., Lobato, F.M.F., Jacob Jr., A.F.L., Alt, R., A literature review of the current applications of machine learning and their practical implications, in: Web Intelligence, 18(2020)1, pp. 69-83.

Dietzmann, C., Alt, R., Assessing the business impact of artificial intelligence, in: Proceedings 53. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 5170-5179.

Dietzmann, C., Heines, R., Alt, R., The convergence of distributed ledger technology and artificial intelligence: An end-to-end reference lending process for financial services, in: Proceedings 28. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh.

Hrach, C., Alt, R., Configuration approach for analytical service models - Development and evolution, in: Proceedings 22. International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), IEEE, Antwerpen.

Neumann, G., Human, S., Alt, R., Introduction to the minitrack on end-user-empowerment in the digital age, in: Proceedings 53. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Noll, D., Alt, R., Internet-of-things marketplaces: State-of-the-art and the role of distributed ledger technology, in: Abramowicz W., Klein G. (Eds.), Business Information Systems, Proceedings 23. International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS), Springer, Cham, pp. 337-350.

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Nurcan, S., Introduction to the minitrack on social information systems, in: Proceedings 53. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 2823-2824.

Silva, J.L.F. Jr., Viana, J., Reinhold, O., Jacob, A.F.L., Alt, R., Lobato, F.M.F, Social CRM Tools: A Systematic Mapping Study, in: Abramowicz, W., Klein, G. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops (BIS), Springer, Cham, pp. 250-261.

Viana, J., van der Zandt, M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Outsourcing of Social CRM services in German SMEs, in: Abramowicz, W., Klein, G. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops (BIS), Springer, Cham, pp. 215-228.


Alt, R., Electronic Markets on digital transformation methodologies, in: Electronic Markets, 29(2019)3, pp. 307-313.

Alt, R., Demirkan, H., Ehmke, J.F., Moen, A., Winter, A., Smart services - The move to customer orientation, in: Electronic Markets, 29(2019)1, pp. 1-6.

Alt, R., Ehmke, J.F., Haux, R., Henke, T., Mattfeld, D.C., Oberweis, A., Paech, B., Winter, A., Towards customer-induced service orchestration - Requirements for the next step of customer orientation, in: Electronic Markets, 29(2019)1, pp. 79-91 (Download of author version).

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets on platform competition, in: Electronic Markets, 29(2019)2, S. 143-149.

Bär, S., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., The role of cross-domain use cases in IoT – A case study analysis, in: Proceedings 52. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Dietzmann, C., Alt, R., How IT-related financial innovation influences bank risk-taking: Results from an empirical analysis of patent applications, in: Proceedings 21. International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), IEEE, Moscow.

Lange, M., Leiter, C., Alt, R., Defining and delimitating distributed ledger technology: Results of a structured literature analysis, in: DiCiccio, C. et al. (Eds.), Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum, Springer, Cham, pp. 43-54 (Download of author version).

Reinhold, O., A framework for integrated Social CRM – Linking social media and CRM on the strategic, process and system Level, Doctoral thesis Leipzig University.

Reinhold, O., Alt, R., The role of Social CRM in social enformation systems: Findings from four case studies, in: Proceedings 52. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Schmidt, R., Alt, R., Nurcan, S., Introduction to the minitrack on social information systems, in: Proceedings 52. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).


Alt, R., Electronic Markets on current general research, in: Electronic Markets, 28(2018)2, pp. 123-128.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on digitalization, in: Electronic Markets, 28(2018)4, pp. 397-402.

Alt, R., Auth, G., Kögler, C., Transformation of consulting for software-defined businesses – Lessons from a DevOps case study in a German IT company, in: Nissen, V. (Ed.), Advances in Consulting Research - Recent Findings and Practical Cases, Springer, Cham, pp. 316-331.

Alt, R., Beck, R., Smits, M.T., FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry, in: Electronic Markets, 28(2018)3, pp. 235-243.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets on networked media, in: Electronic Markets, 28(2018)1, pp. 1-6.

Barata, G.M., Viana, J., Reinhold, O., Lobato, F., Alt, R., Social CRM in digital marketing agencies: An extensive classification of services, in: Proceedings Web Intelligence 2018 (WI18), Santiago de Chile, IEEE.

Blöcher, K., Alt, R., An approach for customer-centered smart service innovation based on customer data management, in: Proceedings International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS), Karlsruhe 2018.

Burdensky, D., Kneissl, B., Alt, R., Deskriptive Analyse von Kennzahlenrelationen, in: Proceedings Multi-Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Lüneburg, pp. 59-70.

Chagas, B., Viana, J., Reinhold, O., Lobato, F., Jacob, A. Jr., Alt, R., Current applications of machine learning techniques in CRM: A literature review and practical implications, in: Proceedings Web Intelligence 2018 (WI18), IEEE, Santiago de Chile.

Hrach, C., Alt, R., Functional service description on service marketplaces, in: Proceedings Multi-Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Lüneburg, pp. 569-575.

Pereira Júnior, V.C., Fileto, R., Santos de Souza, W., Wittwer M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., A semantic BI process for detecting and analyzing mentions of interest for a domain in tweets, in: Proceedings 24. Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia ’18), pp. 197-204.

Sachse, S., Customer-centric service management - Conceptualization and evaluation of customer-induced service composition, Doctoral thesis Leipzig University.

Viana, J., Stüber, R., Reinhold, O., Alt. R., Social CRM from the customer perspective: A preliminary analysis of differences between Brazilian and German users, in: Proceedings Web Intelligence 2018 (WI18), Santiago de Chile, IEEE.


Abramowicz, W., Alt, R., Franczyk, B. (Hrsg.), Business information systems workshops, BIS 2016 International Workshops, Springer, Cham.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on academic supply chains, in: Electronic Markets, 27(2017)2, pp. 91-96.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on transaction costs, in: Electronic Markets, 27(2017)4, pp. 297-301.

Alt, R., Militzer-Horstmann, C., Electronic Markets on the media industry, in: Electronic Markets, 27(2017)1, pp. 1-5.

Alt, R., Tao, X., Unland, R., Preface - Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, in: Proceedings International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI17), Leipzig.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets on big data services, in: Electronic Markets, 27(2017)3, pp. 191-195.

Cirqueira, D., Pinheiro, M., Braga, T., Jacob, A. Jr., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Santana, Á., Improving relationship management in universities with sentiment analysis and topic modeling of social media channels: Learnings from UFPA, in: Proceedings International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI17), Leipzig, pp. 998-1005.

Cundius, C., Alt, R., A process-oriented model to business value – The case of real-time IT infrastructures, in: Proceedings 50. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 5017-5026.

Hrach, C., Toward a configuration model for user-oriented representations of analytical services, in: Abramowicz, W. et al. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops, BIS 2016, Springer, Cham, pp. 408-417.

Lobato, F., Pinheiro, M., Jacob, A. Jr., Reinhold, O., Santana, A., Social CRM: Biggest challenges to make it work in the real world, in: Abramowicz, W. et al. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops, BIS 2016, Springer, Cham, pp. 221-232.

Morschheuser, B., Hrach, C., Alt, R., Lefanczyk, C., Gamifizierung mit BPMN, in: Strahringer, S., Leyh, C. (Eds.), Gamification und Serious Games, Edition HMD, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, pp. 31-42.

Reinhold, O., Wittwer, M., Alt, R., Kirsten, T., Kiess, W., Exploring context from the consumer perspective: Insights from eBusiness and health care, in: Abramowicz, W. et al. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops, BIS 2016, Springer, Cham, pp. 340-346.

Tröger, R., Alt, R., Design options for supply chain visibility services - Learnings from three EPCIS implementations, in: Electronic Markets, 27(2017)2, pp. 141-156 (Download of author version).

Wende, E., Alt, R., King, G., Towards genuine virtual collaboration: Designing the use of mobile remote presence in offshore-outsourced projects, in: Proceedings 50. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 484-493.

Wittwer, M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Jessen, F., Stüber, R., Social media analytics using business intelligence and social media tools – Differences and implications, in: Abramowicz, W. et al. (Eds.), Business Information Systems Workshops, BIS 2016, Springer, Cham, pp. 252-259.

Wittwer, M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Capturing customer context from social media - Mapping social media API and CRM profile data, in: Proceedings International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI17), Leipzig, pp. 993-997.

Wittwer, M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Customer context and Social CRM: A literature review and research agenda, in: Proceedings 30. Bled eConference, Bled.


Abramowicz, W., Alt, R., Franczyk, B. (Hrsg.), Business information systems, Proceedings 19. International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS), Springer, Cham.

Alt, R., Electronic Markets on customer-orientation, in: Electronic Markets, 26(2016)3, pp. 195–198.

Alt, R., Militzer-Horstmann, C., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets on self-archiving, in: Electronic Markets, 26(2016)1, pp. 1-5.

Alt, R., Militzer-Horstmann, C., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets on the impact factor, in: Electronic Markets, 26(2016)2, pp. 95-101.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets on electronic markets in education, in: Electronic Markets, 26(2016)4, pp. 311-314.

Fischbach, M., Alt, R., Risk-aware pricing of B2B services: Approach, realization and application to a payments transaction processing service, in: Abramowicz, W. et al. (Eds.), Business Information Systems, Proceedings 19. International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS), Springer, Berlin, pp. 341-355.

Hartwig, M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Privacy awareness in mobile business: How mobile OS and apps support transparency in the use of personal data, in: Proceedings 29. Bled eConference, Bled, (Outstanding Paper Award).

Nüesch, R., Zerndt, T., Alt, R., Ferretti, G., Tablets penetrate the customer advisory process: A case from a Swiss private bank, in: Proceedings 29. Bled eConference, Bled.

Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Sharing economy, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 58(2016)1, pp. 93-99.

Wittwer, M., Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Social media analytics in Social CRM - Towards a research agenda, in: Proceedings 29. Bled eConference, Bled.


Alt, R., Eckert, C., Puschmann, T., Network management and service systems - The case of German and Swiss banks, in: Information Resources Management Journal, 28(2015)1, pp. 38-56.

Alt, R., Militzer-Horstmann, C., Zimmermann, H.-D., Editorial 25/1: 25 Years of Electronic Markets, in: Electronic Markets, 25(2015)1, pp. 1-5.

Alt, R., Militzer-Horstmann, C., Zimmermann, H.-D., Editorial 25/2: Electronic Markets and privacy, in: Electronic Markets, 25(2015)2, pp. 87-90.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Editorial 25/3: Electronic Markets on ecosystems and tourism, in: Electronic Markets, 25(2015)3, pp. 169-174.

Alt, R., Militzer-Horstmann, C., Zimmermann, H.-D., Editorial 25/4: Electronic Markets on reviewing, in: Electronic Markets, 25(2015)4, pp. 255-261.

Bons, R.W.H., Alt, R., e-commerce online payments, in: Mansell, R., Ang, P.-H. (Hrsg.), The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, Wiley Blackwell, Malden/Oxford, pp. 166-181 (Link to Google Books) (Download of author version).

Klein, S., Alt, R., B2B electronic markets, in: Mansell, R., Ang, P.-H. (Hrsg.), The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, Wiley Blackwell, Malden/Oxford, pp. 35-46 (Link to Google Books) (Download of author version).

Morschheuser, B., Henzi, C., Alt, R., Increasing intranet usage through gamification - Insights from an experiment in the banking industry, in: Proceedings 48. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Best Paper Nomination).

Nüesch, R., Alt, R., Puschmann, T., Hybrid customer interaction, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 7(2015)1, pp. 73-78.


Alt, R., Electronic market research: The impact of consumerization - An Interview with Hubert Österle, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)4, S. 251-253 (Autorenversion).

Alt, R., Österle, H., Electronic Markets and journal sections, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)2, pp. 77-79.

Alt, R., Österle, H., Electronic Markets and practice-orientation, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)1, pp. 1-4.

Alt, R., Smits, M., Design and value of service-oriented technologies for smart business networking, in: Proceedings 22. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Alt, R., Wittwer, M., Towards An ontology-based approach for social media analysis, in: Proceedings 22. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets and general research, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)3, pp. 161-164.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Electronic Markets and business models, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)4, pp. 231-234.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Status of business model and electronic market research: An interview with Alexander Osterwalder, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)4, pp. 243-249.

Alt, R., Zimmermann, H.-D., Status of business model and electronic market research: An interview with Paul Timmers, in: Electronic Markets, 24(2014)4, pp. 235-241.

Fischbach, M., A reference architecture for service lifecycle management - Construction and application to designing and analyzing IT support, Doctoral thesis Leipzig University.

Nüesch, R., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Realizing value from tablet-supported customer advisory: Cases from the banking industry, in: Proceedings 27. Bled eConference, Bled, pp. 14-27.

Sachse, S., Alt, R., Puschmann, T., Towards customer-centric mass customization - Contribution of a customer model, in: Proceedings 8. Multi-Conference onn Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Paderborn.

Winter, A., Alt, R., Ehmke, J., Haux, R., Mattfeld, D., Oberweis, A., Paech, B., Customer-enabled orchestration of complex services: A new paradigm even for health care?, in: Biomedical Engineering - Biomedizinische Technik, 59 (2014), p. 709.


Alt, R., Franczyk, B. (Hrsg.), Innovation, Integration, Individualisierung, Proceedings 11. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Volume1, Volume 2, Leipzig.

Alt, R., Heyden, K., Österle, H., Editorial 23/2, in: Electronic Markets, 23(2013)2, pp. 85-87.

Alt, R., Österle, H., Electronic Markets and conference contributions, in: Electronic Markets, 23(2013)4, pp. 266-267.

Cundius, C., Alt, R., Real-time or near real-time? Towards a real-time assessment model, in: Proceedings 34. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Mailand (Best Paper Nomination).

Fischbach, M., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Enhancing service lifecycle management - Costing as part of service descriptions, in: Proceedings 19. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago.

Fischbach, M., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Supporting service management with graph-based service system visualization, manipulation and analysis, in: Proceedings 19. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago.


Alt, R., Puschmann, T., The rise of customer-oriented banking - electronic markets are paving the way for change in the financial industry, in: Electronic Markets, 22(4), pp. 203-215 (Download of author version).

Bons, R.W.H., Alt, R., Lee, H.G., Weber, B., Banking in the internet and mobile era, in: Electronic Markets, 22(2012)4, pp. 197-202.

Lambeck, C., Schmalzried, D., Alt, R., Groh, R., Changing concepts in human-computer-interaction in real-time enterprise systems - Introducing a concept for intuitive decision support in SCM scenarios, in: Proceedings 14. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Wroclaw.

Nüesch, R., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., A framework for assessing Web 2.0 customer interaction maturity: The case of the banking industry, in: Proceedings 25. Bled eConference, Bled, pp. 238-249.

Puschmann, T., Nüesch, R., Alt, R., Transformation towards customer-oriented service architectures in the financial industry, in: Proceedings 20. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona.

Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Social customer relationship management: State of the art and learnings from current projects, in: Proceedings 25. Bled eConference, Bled, pp. 155-169.

Sachse, S., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Towards customer-oriented electronic markets - A survey among digital natives in the financial industry, in: Proceedings 25. Bled eConference, Bled, pp. 333-354.


Alt, R., Klein, S., Twenty years of electronic markets research – Looking backwards towards the future, in: Electronic Markets, 21(2011)1, pp. 41-51 (Download of author version).

Fischbach, M., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Towards an interdisciplinary view on service science - The case of the financial services industry, in: Proceedings Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FEDCSIS), IEEE, pp. 521-527.

Möwes, T., Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Service-based integration of IT-innovations in customer-bank-interaction, in: Bernstein, A., Schwabe, G. (Eds.), Proceedings 10. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Zurich, pp. 170-179.

Österle, H., Zimmermann, H.-D., Alt, R., Editorial 21/1, in: Electronic Markets, 21(2011)1, pp. 1-3.

Pole, A., Puschmann, T., Fischbach, M., Alt, R., Web 2.0 applications in private banking - Classification, potentials, and application fields, in: Proceedings 19. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Aalto University, Helsinki.

Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Analytical social CRM - Concept and tool support, in: Proceedings 24. Bled eConference, Bled, pp. 226-241.

Schreiter, J., Alt, R., Auth, G., Selection of integrated campus management systems: The case of Almaweb, in: Proceedings International Congress European University Information Systems (EUNIS), Dublin.


Abramowicz, W., Alt, R., Fähnrich, K.-P., Franczyk, B., Maciaszek, L.A. (Hrsg.), Informatik 2010 - Business Process and Service Science - Proceedings of ISSS and BPSC, Vol. P-177, Iss. 3, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn.

Alt, R., Abramowicz, W., Demirkan, H., Service-orientation in electronic markets, in: Electronic Markets, 20(2010)3-4, pp. 177-180.

Alt, R., Auth, G., Campus management system, in: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2(2010)3, pp. 187-190.

Alt, R., Smits, M., Design options for service directories, in: Proceedings 18. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Pretoria.

Kohlmann, F., Alt, R., The impact of service-oriented architecture on business networkability, in: Proceedings 18. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Pretoria.

Kohlmann, F., Börner, R., Alt, R., A framework for the design of service maps, in: Proceedings 16. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima.

Tröger, R., Alt, R., Service-oriented supply chain event management - A case study from the fashion industry, in: Abramowicz, W., Alt, R., Fähnrich, K.-P., Franczyk, B., Maciaszek, L.A. (Eds.), Informatik 2010 - Business Process and Service Science - Proceedings of ISSS and BPSC, Vol. P-177, Band 3, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn, pp. 31-42.


Alt, R., Fähnrich, K.-P., Franczyk, B. (Eds.), Proceedings 1. International Symposium on Services Science (Academic Track), Leipziger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik, Issue 5, Logos, Berlin.

Ehrenberg, D., Lassmann, W., Stahlknecht, P., Rogge, R., Runge, W., 40 Years of operations research (OR) in the GDR (1949-1989), in: OR News, 36(2009), pp. 9-12.

Fähnrich, K.-P., Alt, R., Franczyk, B. (Eds.), Practitioner track - International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS'09), Leipziger Beiträge zur Informatik, Band XV, Leipzig.

Kohlmann, F., Alt, R., Aligning Service Maps - A methodological approach from the financial industry, in: Proceedings 42. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 1-10.

Kohlmann, F., Alt, R., Business-oriented service design in practice: Learnings from a Swiss universal bank, in: Proceedings 1. International Symposium on Service Science (ISSS09), Logos, Berlin, pp. 201-215.

Kohlmann, F., Alt, R., Deducing service ownerships in financial networks, in: Proceedings 15. Americas Conference of Information Systems (AMCIS), San Francisco.

Müller, J., Tröger, R., Zeier, A., Alt, R., Gain in transparency versus investment in the EPC network - Analysis and results of a discrete event simulation based on a case study in the fashion industry, in: Proceedings 7. International Joint Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC-ServiceWave), Stockholm.

Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Enhancing collaborative CRM with mobile technologies, in: Proceedings 22. Bled eConference, Bled.


Alt, R., Business network redesign methodologies in action, in: Grover, V., Markus, M.L. (Eds.), Business process transformation, Advances in Management Information Systems, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk (NY), pp. 207-233.

Reitbauer, S., Kohlmann, F., Eckert, C., Mansfeldt, K., Alt, R., Redesigning business networks – Reference process, network and service map, in: Proceedings 23. Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC08), Fortaleza, pp. 540-547.

Reinhold, O., Alt, R., Usability of CRM systems as collaboration infrastructures in business networks, in: Proceedings 21. Bled eConference, Bled.

Schmelich, V., Alt, R., Functional analysis of ppen ERP-systems - An exploratory analysis, Working paper No. 2, Information Systems Institute, Leipzig University.


Kohlmann, F., Reitbauer, S., Eckert, C., Alt, R., Instruments for an integrated business network redesign in the financial industry, in: Proceedings 3. International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom07), Springer, Montreal, pp. 136-150.


Alt, R., Puschmann, T., Success factors in CRM implementation: Results from a consortial benchmarking study, in: Romano, N., Fjermestad, J. (Eds.), Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Advances in Management Information Systems, M.E. Sharpe, pp. 69-86 (Download of author version).


Alt, R., Gizanis, D., Legner, C., Collaborative order management: Toward standard solutions for interorganizational order management, in: International Journal of Technology Management, 31(2005)1/2, pp. 78-97.

Alt, R., Puschmann, T., Developing customer process orientation - The case of Pharma Corp, in: Business Process Management Journal, 11(2005)4, pp. 297-315.

Alt, R., Reitbauer, S., Towards an integrated architecture and assessment model for financial sourcing, in: Rabhi, F., Veit, D.J., Weinhardt, C. (Eds.), Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Enterprise, Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom05), IEEE: Los Alamitos, pp. 67-74.

Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Developing and Integration Architecture for Process Portals, in: European Journal of Information Systems, 14(2005)2, pp. 121-134.

Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Successful Use of eProcurement in Supply Chains, in: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(2005)2, pp. 122-133.


Puschmann, T., Alt, R., Enterprise Application Integration Systems and Architecture - The Case of the Robert Bosch Group, in: Proceedings 37. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, Los Alamitos, and Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 17(2004)2, pp. 105-116.


Alt, R., Transformation in the pharmaceutical industry - Developing customer orientation at Pharma Corp., in: Proceedings Bled eConference, Bled, pp. 522-538.

Alt, R., Barak, V., Huber, T., Österle, H., Puschmann, T., Customer relationship management architecture in the pharmaceutical industry, in: International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 5(2003)3/4/5, pp. 296-314.

Alt, R., Zbornik, S., Integration of electronic services in the execution of business transactions, in: Monteiro, J., Swatman, P.M.C., Tavares, L.V. (Eds.), Towards the Knowledge Society, Springer, Boston (MA), pp. 717-732.


Alt, R., Reichmayr, C., Cäsar, M., Zurmühlen, R., Evolution of electronic catalogs to customer process portals - A structured approach at ETA S.A., in: Proceedings 15. Bled eConference, Bled.


Österle, H., Fleisch, E., Alt, R., Business networking: Shaping collaboration between enterprises, 2nd Ed., Springer, Berlin etc.

Puschmann, T., Thalmann, O., Alt, R., Healthcare portals - Customer centricity in the pharmaceutical industry, in: Proceedings 9. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Bled.


Alt, R., Fleisch, E., Business networking systems - Characteristics and lessons learned, in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5(2000)2, pp. 7-27.

Alt, R., Fleisch, E., Österle, H., Electronic commerce and supply chain management at ETA Fabriques d'Ebauches SA, in: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 1(2000)1/2, pp. 78-97.

Alt, R., Fleisch, E., Werle, O., The concept of networkability - How to make companies competitive in business networks, in: Proceedings 8. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Vienna.

Alt, R., Grünauer, K.-M., Reichmayr, C., Interaction of electronic commerce and supply chain management - Insights from 'The Swatch Group', in: Proceedings 33. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, Los Alamitos (CA).

Huber, T., Alt, R., Österle, H., Templates - Instruments for standardizing ERP Systems, in: Proceedings 33. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, Los Alamitos (CA).

Österle, H., Fleisch, E., Alt, R., Business networking: Shaping enterprise relationships on the internet, Springer, Berlin etc.


Alt, R., Fleisch, E., Key sucess factors in implementing business networking systems, in: Proceedings 12. Bled eConference, Bled.

Alt, R., Klein, S., Lessons in electronic commerce - The case of electronic transportation markets, in: Failure & Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management, 3(1999)3, pp. 81-93 (Download of author version).


Alt, R., Klein, S., Learning from failure - The myths and magic of electronic transportation exchanges, in: Proceedings 31. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, Los Alamitos (CA).


Alt, R., Klein, S., Kuhn, C., Electronic task allocation as internal market, in: Proceedings 2. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Breukelen, pp. 424-432.

Alt, R., Klein, S., Kuhn, C., Electronic coordination mechanisms for service task allocation, in: Baskerville, R., Smithson, S., Ngwenyama, O., DeGross, J.I. (Eds.), Transforming Organizations with Information Technology, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 199-217.