Prof. Dr. Süßmuth is Professor of Economics/Econometrics at the University of Leipzig and chairs the Institute for Empirical Economic Research.
- 2009: Habilitation from TUM Munich University of Technology
- 2002: Dr. oec. publ. (PhD) from University of Munich (LMU)
- 1997: Diplom (MA) in Economics from University of Munich (LMU)
Current Positions and Affiliations
- Professor, Department of Economics, University of Leipzig
- Director, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Leipzig
- Research Fellow, CESifo Munich
Former Positions and Fellowships
- 2009-2010: Professor (temporary appointment),
Department of Economics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - 2004-2010: Assistant Professor,
Department of Business and Economics, TUM Munich University of Technology - 2007: Assistant Professor (temporary appointment),
Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara - 2004-2006: Faculty and Lecturer,
Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC), Max Planck Institute Munich - 2002-2004: Assistant Professor,
Department of Economics, University of Bamberg - 2001-2002: Postdoc Researcher,
Department of Political Economics, University of Modena - 1998-2001: Teaching Assistant,
Department of Economics, University of Munich - 1997-1998: Research Associate,
German National Science Foundation (DFG) - 1994-1997: Student Assistant,
Department of Economics, University of Munich
- Empirische Ökonomie. Eine Einführung in Methoden und Anwendungen, Springer textbook, 2010 (with John Komlos).
- Business Cycles in the Contemporary World: Description, Causes, Aggregation, and Synchronization, Physica-Springer, Heidelberg, New York, 2002.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals: Economics
- An asymmetric volatility analysis of the negative oil price during the first COVID-19 wave, forthcoming in International Review of Financial Markets, 2025 (with Carolin Birnstengel)
- Assessing temporary product-specific subsidies: a time series intervention analysis, Research in Statistics, 2(1), 2024 (with David Leuwer and Frank Simmen)
- Wind power deployment and the impact of spatial planning policies, Environmental and Resource Economics, 87, 491–550, 2023 (with Jan-Niklas Meier, Paul Lehmann, and Stephan Wedekind)
- Behavioral responses to wealth taxes: Evidence from the Spanish Survey of Household Finances, Economics Letters, 2023 (with Edison Jakurti)
- Explaining the decline in the US labor share: taxation and automation, International Tax and Public Finance, 2022 (with Burkhard Heer and Andreas Irmen)
- Business cycle characteristics of Mediterranean economies: a secular trend and cycle dynamics perspective, International Economics and Economic Policy, 19, 825-862, 2022 (with Anna Solms)
- Taxation and the distributional impact of inflation: The U.S. post-war experience, Economic Modelling, 111, 2022 (with Matthias Wieschemeyer)
- The mutual predictability of Bitcoin and web search dynamics, Journal of Forecasting, 41, 435-454, 2022
- Subsidies and interacting crop market dynamics, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 11, 523-532, 2022 (with Marika Behnert and Sören Graupner)
- Economics education, childhood socialization, and the transmission of allocation preferences, International Review of Economics Education 38, 100224: 1-14, 2021 (with Bastian Gawellek and Fabian Könings)
- Geo-politics and the impact of China's outward investment on developing countries: evidence from the Great Recession, Emerging Markets Review 48, 100815: 1-24, 2021 (with Bastian Gawellek and Jingjing Lyu)
- Is the relationship of wealth inequality with the real, financial and housing cycle country specific?, Atlantic Economic Journal 47, 323–341, 2019 (with Connor Bryant)
- Cumulative instructional time and student achievement, Education Economics 27, 20-34, 2019 (with Philipp Mandel and Marco Sunder)
- Implementing an Approximate Dynamic Factor Model to Nowcast GDP Using Sensitivity Analysis, Journal of Business Cycle Research 14, 127–141, 2018 (with Pablo Duarte)
- Cyclical Asset Returns in the Consumption and Investment Goods Sector, Review of Economic Dynamics 28, 51-70, 2018 (with Burkhard Heer and Alfred Maussner)
- The Exchange Rate Susceptibility of European Core Industries, 1995-2010, The World Economy 41, 358-392, 2018 (with David Leuwer).
- What Determines Students' Preferences for Small Class Sizes?, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration 30, 111-122, 2016 (with Philipp Mandel).
- Tuition Fees and Instructional Quality, Economics Bulletin 36, 84-91, 2016 (with Bastian Gawellek and Daniel Singh).
- The Quantity Theory of Money: Valid only for High and Medium Inflation?, Applied Economics Quarterly 61, 315-329, 2015 (with Claude Hillinger and Marco Sunder).
- Public Education, Accountability, and Yardstick Competition in a Federal System, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 15, 1679-1703, 2015 (with Philipp Mandel).
- Growth and Volatility of Tax Revenues in Latin America, World Development 54, 114-138, 2014 (with Hans Fricke).
- Tax Bracket Creep and its Effects on Income Distribution, Journal of Macroeconomics 38, 393-408, 2013 (with Burkhard Heer).
- A Different Look at Lenin's Legacy: Social Capital and Risk Taking in the Two Germanies, Journal of Comparative Economics 41, 789–803, 2013 (with Guido Heineck).
- Estimating Dynamic Asymmetries in Demand at the Munich Oktoberfest, Tourism Economics 19, 653–674, 2013 (with Ulrich Woitek).
- Determinants of Digital Piracy: A Re-Examination of Results, Journal of Economics and Statistics 232/4, 394-413, 2012 (with Philipp Mandel).
- A Market's Reward Scheme, Media Attention, and the Transitory Success of Managerial Change, Journal of Economics and Statistics 232/2, 258-278, 2012 (with Stefan Wagner).
- Shooting Rampages and Maintenance of Campus Safety: An Incomplete Contracts Perspective, Review of Law and Economics 7, 573-600, 2011 (with Robert K. von Weizsäcker).
- Size Matters. The Relevance and Hicksian Surplus of Preferred College Class Size, Economics of Education Review 30, 1073-1084, 2011 (with Philipp Mandel).
- Hosting Mega-Events: A Regional Perspective -- Introduction, Région et Développement 31, 5-9, 2010.
- Cycles, Shocks, and Sentiment, Région et Développement 31, 65-79, 2010 (with Malte Heyne).
- Induced Civic Pride and Integration, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 72, 202-220, 2010 (with Malte Heyne and Wolfgang Maennig).
- The Savings-Inflation Puzzle, Applied Economics Letters 9, 615-617, 2009 (with Burkhard Heer).
- Hidden Value: Wohlfahrtsökonomische Effekte internationaler Sportgroßveranstaltungen, Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 127, 511-529, 2007 (with Malte Heyne).
- Effects of Inflation on Wealth Distribution: Do stock market participation fees and capital income taxation matter?, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31, 277-303, 2007 (with Burkhard Heer).
- Beauty in the Classroom: Are German Students Less Blinded? Putative Pedagogical Productivity due to Professors' Pulchritude: Peculiar or Pervasive?, Applied Economics 38, 231-238, 2006.
- Managerial Efficiency in German Top League Soccer: An Econometric Analysis of Club Performances on and off the Pitch, German Economic Review 6, 485-506, 2005 (with Markus Kern).
- Some New Results on Industrial Sector Mode-Locking and Business Cycle Formation, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 9, 1-33, 2005 (with Ulrich Woitek).
- Elfenbeinligen und ihre Erfassung: Ein Kommentar und eine neuerliche Messung der Publikationstätigkeit der Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute im deutschsprachigen Raum: 1989-2003, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 6, 409-420, 2005 (with Martin Steininger).
- Business Cycles and Comovement in Mediterranean Economies: A National and Area-wide Perspective, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 40, 7-28, 2004 (with Ulrich Woitek).
- A Note on Death Penalty Executions and Business Cycles in U.S. Federal States: Is there any nexus?, Economics Bulletin 11, 1-9, 2004.
- Are Procyclical Lumpiness and Asymmetry in Capital Adjustment Dateless Phenomena? The Case of Firms in German Industrialization: 1880-1913, Applied Economics Letters 10, 575-579, 2003.
- Modeling the Synchronization of Sectoral Investment Cycles on the Base of Informational Externalities, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 14, 35-45, 2003.
- Publications Académiques dans les Revues Internationales d'Économie: Existe-t-il une Dimension Régionale? (Academic Publications in International Economic Reviews: Is there a regional dimension?), Économies et Sociétés W7, 633-670, 2003 (with Stephane Ghio).
- National and Supranational Business Cycles (1960-2000): A multivariate description of central G7 and EURO15 NIPA aggregates, CESifo Economic Studies 48, 481-511, 2002.
- Can Herding Explain Cyclic Comovement?, International Game Theory Review 4, 33-51, 2002.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals (other disciplines)
- Cyclic Dynamics of Prevention Spending and Occupational Injuries in Germany: 1886-2009, Safety Science Monitor 15, 1-17, 2011 (with Thomas Kohstall).
- Towards a European Economics of Economics: Monitoring a Decade of Top Research and Providing Some Explanation, Scientometrics 66, 579-612, 2006 (with Stephane Ghio and Martin Steininger).
- Business Cycle Dynamics in a Neural Net Framework, International Journal of Computer Research 10, 201-222, 2000 (with Guido Fioretti).
Book Chapters
- The Econometric Analysis of Willingness-to-pay for Intangibles with Experience Good Character, in W. Maennig und A. Zimbalist (eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Mega Sporting Events, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 227-245, 2012.
- Government Debt and the Portfolios of the Rich, in J. Micklewright and S. Jenkins (eds.), Inequality and Poverty Re-examined, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 268-283, 2007 (with Robert K. von Weizsäcker).
- Institutional Determinants of Public Debt: A Political Economy Perspective, in J. C. Tremmel (ed.), Handbook of Intergenerational Justice, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 170-184, 2006 (with Robert K. von Weizsäcker).
- The German Business Cycle and the Global Double Dip, in C. Hausen, M. Resinek, N. Schürmann, and M. H. Stierle (eds.), Determinants of Growth and Business Cycles: Theory, Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications, VWF Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Berlin, 135-153, 2003.
- Die intangiblen Effekte der Fußball-WM 2006 in Deutschland. Eine Bewertung mit der Contingent-Valuation-Methode, in A. Spellerberg, H. H. Topp, S. Bogusch, and C. West (eds.), Organisation und Folgewirkungen von Großveranstaltungen, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 83-100, 2009 (with Malte Heyne).
- Wieviel ist den Deutschen die Ausrichtung der FIFA-WM 2006 wert und warum? Eine repräsentative Studie auf Grundlage der Contingent-Valuation-Methode, in M.-L. Klein and M. Kurscheidt (eds.), Neue Perspektiven Ökonomischer Sportforschung, Hofmann Verlag, Schorndorf, 119-137, 2007 (with Malte Heyne).
- Exzessive Budgetdefizite und die institutionelle Ausgestaltung der EU-Haushaltspolitik, in V. Ulrich and W. Ried (eds.), Effizienz, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit im Gesundheitswesen - Theorie und Politik öffentlichen Handelns, insbesondere in der Krankenversicherung, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 3-22, 2007 (with Christian Feilcke and Robert K. von Weizsäcker).
- Vom Wert des Geldes (On the Value of Money), in U. Nembach (ed.), Informationes Theologiae Europae - Internationales Ökumenisches Jahrbuch für Theologie, 14. Jahrgang 2005, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 161-175, 2007 (with Robert K. von Weizsäcker).
- Ineffizienz im deutschen Bildungsföderalismus, in N. Wohlgemuth (ed.), Arbeit, Humankapital und Wirtschaftspolitik, Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften Heft 547, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 247-278, 2006 (with Carolin Amann and Robert K. von Weizsäcker).
Radio and Television
- 20.04.2023: Interview, Deutschlandfunk Nova: "Berufsleben - Wie viel Mathe wir können sollten"
- 23.06.2022: Interview, ORF: Zu Inflation, Steuerindexierung und Einkommensumverteilung
- 28.01.2012: Interview, mdr: Zur Problematik von Konjunkturprognosen
- 22.06.2010: Interview, hr1: Konjunktursituation - "Es ist eine Momentaufnahme"
- 14.10.2009: Interview, Deutschlandfunk (mit C. Fuest): Selbstfinanzierung von Steuersenkungen
- 09.10.2008: Interview, afk M94.5: Subprime-Krise
- 13.08.2008: Interview, Deutschlandradio Kultur: Zusammenhang von Stundenzahl und Lernerfolg
- CNBC Europe
- Universität: TUM Campus, TUM Mitteilungen (1)
- Regional: Münchner Merkur, Südkurier, Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Weser Kurier, Revier Sport, Der Tagesspiegel, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, Abendzeitung, Osnabrücker Nachrichten
- National: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Handelsblatt (1, 2, 3), Süddeutsche Zeitung (1, 2), Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- International: l'Humanité, Suomen Kuvalehti, Turkish Daily News, Turkuaz, El Peruano, Journal de Negocios, Curentul, Poslovni dnevnik, Der Standard