Institute of Service and Relationship Management


Welcome to the website of the Institute for Service and Relationship Management (ISRM).

Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Find the right gift for the best customers: Field experiment by Professor Marchand and colleagues in the Journal of Service Research

It will soon be Christmas again! Even though many things are different in this Corona year 2020, many people are currently thinking about gifts not only in their private lives but also in their professional contexts. Christmas is a popular occasion for companies to show their customers appreciation…

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Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Psychological Ownership can replace Material Ownership: New study by Prof. Marchand and colleagues published in the Journal of Service Research

"Actually, I don't need my own car. If I want to go somewhere, I log in, choose a suitable vehicle and drive off. I only pay for what I use and I don't have to worry about anything else." At least if you live in a big city you might have heard such an explanation before. With the rise of the Sharing…

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Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Beyond PS5 and Xbox Series X - How to increase customer engagement through gamification: Study by Professor Marchand and colleagues in the International Journal of Research in Marketing

In the age of digital transformation, which is currently accelerating in many areas due to the COVID 19 pandemic, a typical marketing question is: How can digital experiences be made profitable for customers? The flood of information, such as the amount of videos on YouTube and TikTok, photos on…

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The Institute for Service and Relationship Management unites a total of five professorships. We cordially invite you to get to know the different professorships!



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Institut für Service und Relationship Management

Executive Director: Prof. Dr André Marchand

Grimmaische Straße 12
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-33750