The SEPT MBA in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development is a program dedicated to conveying theoretical knowledge, application-oriented findings and practice-relevant experience with regard to the management, promotion and development of SMEs.
In almost every country, the most significant part of revenue and employment is generated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Paradoxically, the attention of most business authors and university programs has been predominantly directed to the big corporations, their particular issues, and insights.
At SEPT, we are convinced that the future of our economies relies on SMEs. For this reason, we have developed a program dedicated to conveying theoretical knowledge, application-oriented findings, and practice-relevant experience concerning the management, promotion, and development of these companies. Particular issues addressed are identifying innovation possibilities inside SMEs, their growth potential, and new concepts for promoting them and generating positive multiplier effects on their business environments.
Study Program
The two-year study program focuses on economic issues containing different concepts, approaches, and aspects, ranging from supporting small businesses coping with survival to promoting innovative, dynamic enterprises. One particular topic is identifying growth potential and concepts re-evaluating economic and industrial policy.
This approach facilitates qualified training for upcoming professionals and members of institutions who already hold a Bachelor´s degree and have some practical experience in working in/with SMEs. The course enables participants to work as multipliers in decision-making positions, support these companies, and promote innovative entrepreneurs.
The program is conceived in an international atmosphere, as most of the students come from outside Germany, so the whole program is taught in English. SEPT awards credit points under the ECTS system (120 for the entire course).
Currently, we help our Alumni by providing contacts to different German and European Institutions and SME experts. This helps create a network between the graduates, alumni, institutions promoting SMEs, and research institutions.