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The International SEPT Competence Center maintains its support to the ongoing AGEP Online Learning Programme in 2021/2022.

The course on “Business Model Development for International Students” support students to evaluate research results and business ideas developed before and during the studies in Germany. The course starts on 4 of May and ends on 18 of May.


The Business Model Development workshop is structured into three sessions: (1) Understanding Customer and Value Proposition Design, (2) Business Model Development and (3) First financing my business idea.

During the Understanding Customer part, participants will review their business ideas against the backdrop of the following questions: Is there a market for my idea? Do I address all customer needs with my business idea? This will usher the participants into the next part known as Value Proposition Design. Here they will be guided in proposing the right value to customers based on their innovative products and/or services. Following, the participants will be taken through the Business Model Canvas. This will assist them to build business models for their ideas. Using the 10 Types of Innovation Concept, graduates and students will learn about Innovation Tactics to further develop innovative business models. Finally, the last session will provide an overview about financing options for Start-up projects in Germany with a focus on presenting in details the EXIST program.

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