News from

The 26 of April was an incredible afternoon spent discussing the internationalization of social enterprises with an amazing group of MBA students, aspiring and actual entrepreneurs, and social enterprise support organizations.

During the workshop, we explored the challenges and opportunities that arise when social enterprises expand globally and discussed strategies to overcome these while maximizing impact. We also presented the ESESII framework of competencies for the successful internationalisation of social enterprises, its training curriculum, and a Toolkit for support organizations.

Are you also interested in supporting social entrepreneurs scaling their impact abroad? Have access to all the resources developed by the ESESII project "Enabling Social Entrepreneurs to Scale their Impact Internationally"

Special thanks to Philipp Walter from co.hilo Kaffeekollektiv, Anna Kristina Schmidt, and Pauline Lauch from Impact Hub Leipzig, and Bjorn Vondran from Social Impact lab who were part of this day. Let's continue to work together to create positive change in the world!