A special focus of the festival was on empowering international participants to create startups in Germany. Attendees had the invaluable opportunity to learn from successful international founders like Luana dos Santos Held (Brasilheroe) and Pratyush Saxena (Ideatarmac), who generously shared their entrepreneurial experiences in Germany.
Informative workshops and training sessions were also available, covering essential topics such as legal considerations for solo entrepreneurs, funding opportunities, and the thriving startup ecosystem in central Germany.
Moreover, we proudly marked the official launch of the International Startup Office, a dedicated space designed to provide support and empowerment to international aspiring entrepreneurs from Leipzig, Jena and Halle. To culminate the evening, we presented the prestigious International Innovators Award Mitteldeutschland and the ARQUS International Innovators Award, followed by an unforgettable summer party.
Get to know our award winners:
International Innovators Award Mitteldeutschland: REALISTS GMBH
ARQUS International Innovators Award: KARION THERAPEUTICS
The Born Global Startup Festival is organised by the International Startup Campus a joint startup initiative of Leipzig University, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, propelling international entrepreneurship in Germany and fostering a network of innovation and collaboration.
Check out our LinkedIn posts about the event:
LinkedIn Post SEPT Competence Center
LinkedIn Post International Startup Campus:
Photos by: Swen Reichold