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Last week, we held the fourth IDEAS Research Colloquium of 2023 – our 28th session so far!

Our colleague Léocade Azonhoumon from WACCI (Ghana) presented his master thesis on "Morphogenetic characterization and seed storability of jute mallow C. olitorius" proving to us that jute mallow is not only a tasty vegetable for stew but also a fascinating research topic.

After that, Dr. Godwin Anywar from Makerere University (Uganda) joined us to talk about “Finding a Research Design that matches your Research Hypotheses”. He reminded us that a good research design is like a house: All parts have a function and need each other to constitute a meaningful whole.

Dr. Godwin also shared an important encouragement with the group: A suitable research design may produce negative results, e.g. show that a certain correlation does not exist. However, a negative result is not a bad research outcome as it may further the knowledge gain of the entire field! 

Over 20 participants from three continents attended and agreed that we don’t only need to stand on giants’ shoulders when designing our research; We also need to help each other climb! So, we are very happy to see our IDEAS Research Colloquium community grow steadily and are looking forward to continuing these international discussions with our alumni network through our exclusive IDEA Summer School app.