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On 27th September, we held the ninth IDEAS Research Colloquium of 2023 – our overall 33rd session!

Mitiku Ayele Handiso from Ethiopia presented his MA thesis on "EFFECTS OF Terminalia brownii (Fresen) MANAGEMENT ON SELECTED SOIL PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES, MICROCLIMATE, AND MAIZE YIELD IN SOUTH ARI DISTRICT, SOUTH OMO ZONE, SOUTHERN ETHIOPIA", sensitizing us for the relevance of field trees in agriculture. Mitiku explained that field trees serve a multipurpose use by contributing to a conducive micro climate around them that increases crop yield. Therefore, saving or replanting those trees is a relevant contribution to biodiversity conservation as well as climate change prevention.

After that, Prof. Elizabeth Kizito from Christian University (Uganda) delivered an engaging lecture on "Publishing channels: Quality Journals vs Predatory Journals". She pointed out how predatory journals catch the attention of (young) researchers by “dangling something sweet in front of our noses: Publish in one week!” and opened our eyes for the strings that may be attached to such publication channels. In contrast, Prof. Elizabeth also showed us the advantages of publishing in quality journals despite the often-lengthy peer review process: “Any researcher of integrity would love to get feedback because we want to do better”.

14 participants attended and discussed with our expert about how to find the right publication channel for their research work. We are looking forward to continuing this conversation on our SEPT community app!