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The start-ups supported by Uni Leipzig's entrepreneurship initiative work in various fields and have received several awards for their business potential and innovation capacity.

SMILE, Leipzig University's entrepreneurship initiative, has many reasons to celebrate! During the summer semester 2022, SMILE's team of coaches supported 16 start-ups in focusing their business plans and raising key start-up funding.

Of the 16 start-ups, four are equity partnerships and 12 are individual ventures. These start-ups work in different industries. Next3D, for example, produces customized implants and instruments using 3D printing technology for medical patients. Lokkalekka, for its part, promotes its passion for gastronomic craftsmanship and vegetable proteins through its own workshops and products.

The 16 start-ups supported by SMILE in SS2022 raised support in investment and financing. In addition, several received recognition and awards in Germany:

  • futureSAX Sächsischer Gründerpreis: eCovery (3. Platz)
  • futureSAX Publikumspreis des Sächsischen Gründerpreises: eCovery
  • IQ Mitteldeutschland: RW InnoTec (Cluster Energie, Umwelt, Solarwirtschaft: 2. Platz)
  • IQ Innovationspreis Leipzig: RW InnoTec (Sieger)
  • Leipziger Gründungsnacht: Data Virtuality (Ten Years After Award)
  • Leipziger Gründungsnacht: EST3R (Publikumspreis Geschäftsidee)
  • Medical Forge Accelerator-Programm: 3D Next (1st Batch)
  • Start-up-Contest der Länder 2022 (Tag der Start-ups in Logistik und Mobilität): RW InnoTec (Finalist)
  • Sächsischer Ideenwettbewerb simul⁺Mitmachfonds: ZiMMT Klanglabor (Preisträger Modul ReWIR), Community Garten Egenberger (Preisträger Modul ReWIR)


Also, some SMILE start-ups continue to receive external funding based on their potential and performance. Here is a brief summary:

  • EXIST Gründerstipendium: 4
  • SAB InnoStartBonus: 7
  • SAB Validierungsförderung: 2
  • BMWK IGP: 1
  • Mehrwert-Initiative: 2
  • Innovationszentren der Zukunft: 1
  • Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt: 1

Finally, on May 5, 2022 SMILE celebrated the most recent edition of the Entrepreneurship Night. At this event with around 200 guests, both local start-ups and Leipzig University students with innovative business ideas competed for prizes in two categories.

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