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The ACCESS team and the International SEPT Competence Center are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of our first public research conference, “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, held on Friday the 23rd of April. Over 100 participants joined us throughout the day for a series of striking and intriguing speeches, debates, and roundtables.

Our discussions ranged from the changing nature of work through digitalization, managing the changing expectations of youth, the role of universities and their responsibilities, informal economic participation and the role of the informal sector, and the future of development in Africa.

We are enormously grateful to all our panelists who took part and shared their research and perspectives, and especially to Prof. Akua Opokua Britwum, who delivered our keynote address. Her speech seamlessly transitioned between a huge variety of relevant themes, and we are privileged to have had such a voice start off our conference. We look forward to hosting further events in the future and would be pleased to have you join us.

More Information of African Centre for Career Enhancement & Skills Support (ACCESS)