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After our amazing kick-off workshop in June, which focused on research-based innovation, we moved on to the next step, the research-based business model, in July.

This week, the SEPT team and IDEA Summer School participants are taking part in the final chapter of the Summer School journey, focused on Teaching and Learning.

On Monday, the third part of the summer school kicked off with participants from 4 different time zones. Some participants had to wake up early to participate and others had the chance to enjoy some extra sleep and breakfast.

We had an interactive session on teaching and learning presented by Katharina Gunther that included the agenda for the coming weeks and interesting discussions on learning and teaching. During these discussions, most of participants agreed on the following quote “it is good to make mistakes“. Great arguments were discussed. What about you? What is your favorite quote?

The participants will work on draft course designs that reflect their newly acquired knowledge. Looking forward to creating more memorable experiences through this summer school.