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Last week, we held our second IDEAS Research Colloquium session of 2024 – our overall 37th event of this series!

Bonaventure Athindehou from Benin, currently a Master’s student at Cheick Anta Diop University, Dakar (Senegal), presented the preliminary results of his MA research on “Agronomic performance and ecosystem services of two groundnut and cowpea ideotypes in associated cropping in a context of crop rotation with millet in the southern groundnut basin of Senegal”. He explained that millet, cowpea and groundnut contain high amounts of protein and fats. Therefore, cultivating them effectively and improving the crop yield could play an important role in attaining SDG 2 Zero Hunger. We are looking forward to learning more about this once the study results have been finalized!

After that, Dr. Heinrich Hagel from Kassel University joined us for a discussion on “How to: Thesis Defense”. He reminded us that knowing our individual departments’ requirements is pivotal to a successful defense: What format is expected? Is there a dress code? Further, being familiar with the location and its technical infrastructure as well as the backgrounds of the committee members may help to stay calm and react to questions adequately. Finally, Heinrich did not leave us without giving some hands-on advice: Try to anticipate critical questions, prepare additional related slides in your appendix & be mindful which parts of your research you highlight. – “Your presentation may guide the committee’s questions!”

More than 25 participants attended and engaged with Heinrich on how to prepare for their defense and contain their nervousness. We are looking forward to continuing this conversation on our SEPT community app!


 Janine Mörstedt

Janine Mörstedt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Raum I 469
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 33750