Nachricht vom

On Wednesday, 31 of January and Friday, 2nd of February, Mr. Yi Zhang & Mr. Isaac Yrigoyen, PhD candidates at our SEPT Competence Center will defend their doctoral dissertation in Leipzig. Prof. Dr. U. Dornberger (Leipzig) and Prof. Dr. Amar Anwar (Sydney/Leipzig) are PhD supervisors.

Wednesday 31.01.2024, 13:15-14:45 Mr. Yi Zhang

Entrepreneurial decision-making: An overlooked determinate of China’s export growth?


Friday 02.02.2024, 09:15 to 10:45 Mr. Isaac Yrigoyen

The Effects of Public Innovation Policies on the Micro-Level Behavioral Foundations to Innovate in Peruvian Micro and Small Enterprises: A Mixed-Method and Quasi-Experimental Study


We would like to cordially invite all interested students and scientific staff member.


 Janine Mörstedt

Janine Mörstedt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Raum I 469
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 33750