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How do small and medium-sized companies find and retain the skilled workers of tomorrow, with a particular focus on students at Saxon universities?

Saxony's universities enjoy great popularity due to their high level of education. Nevertheless, the Saxon economy is facing a shortage of skilled workers and the gap between demand and supply is widening, particularly among graduates from universities.

The problem is also due to a lack of connection to the regional economy, with the result that well-trained specialists are moving to other regions of Germany after graduation.

In this context, it is also necessary to reflect on the intentions of international students and graduates in Saxony when it comes to remaining after graduation. The SEPT Competence Center  has a great deal of experience in this field and wants to share relevant insights.

This year's Saxon Skilled Workers Symposium on 23 April 2024 would therefore like to focus on raising awareness, professional exchange and discussions on the topic of skills shortages and the connection between companies and universities.

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 Janine Mörstedt

Janine Mörstedt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Raum I 469
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 33750