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We are excited to announce our 2024 Alumni conference titled "Structural Policy Changes in the Global North and their Impacts on the Global South – Implications for Development Research and Practice".

The conference will take place in Berlin (Germany) from 17-21 of June 2024 and is hosted by the Master programme International and Development Economics (MIDE) of HTW Berlin. The conference is a collaboration between the MA in Development Management (MADM; IEE), the MA in International and Development Economics (MIDE; HTW Berlin), the Small Enterprise Promotion and Training Programme (SEPT; University of Leipzig).



The start of the SDG implementation process (2016-2030) coincides with a number of structural changes in policies and strategies as well as structural shifts in the power constellations between countries and regions of the Global North and the Global South. For example: new policy approaches to climate change, energy transition and the global division of labor (supply chains) as well as geostrategic power shifts as a result of the increasing power of states such as China.

These changes will pose challenges to the implementation of the SDGs for bilateral and multilateral development cooperation: both the new policy approaches of countries in the Global North and the effects of changing power balances may stand in the way of the successful realization of the SDGs. At the same time, new opportunities and possibilities arise for countries of the Global South and development cooperation. The conference will therefore address the following questions:

  • Which obstacles and challenges resulting from these changes may hinder the realization of the SDGs?
  • How can these be overcome by the actors involved?
  • How can new opportunities be identified and used in practice for the successful realization of the SDGs?


The conference will focus on three cluster areas:

1. Climate change and energy transition: Impact of structural policy changes in industrialized countries on climate change and energy transition on the global South.

2. Global division of labor and supply chains: Impact of structural policy changes on the global division of labor and consequences for the implementation of the SDGs. Often, working and development opportunities of women in the global South primarily are affected, possible contributions of feminist development policy and the promotion of gender equality are discussed.

3. Geostrategic power shifts: Effects of geostrategic power shifts between groups of countries and political blocs on the economies and societies of the Global South with focus on possible consequences for development cooperation for the realization of the SDGs.


Agenda and Call for Application


 Janine Mörstedt

Janine Mörstedt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Raum I 469
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 33750