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“Changing your Research Design after Data Collection is like cutting your Foot to fit into a Shoe”

Last week, we held our third IDEAS Research Colloquium of 2024 – our overall 38th event of this series!

Shwe Yi Myint Myat, a Burmese student at Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), presented her MA research, a critical examination of energy access and its effects on human and social capitals within the Karen and Karenni refugee camps in Thailand. With insights gathered from household surveys and interviews, the research explores the transformative impact of electricity access on well-being amidst one of the world's largest refugee populations, composed mostly of refugees from Myanmar after the military coup.

We wish the student all the best for the completion of her timely and relevant research!

After that, Dr. Prince Oppong joined us for a discussion on “How to: Interview Data Analysis”. His input spanned the spectrum from qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to the process of manual data cleaning before starting actual data analysis. Through his engaging presentation, he elucidated the relevance of validating interview data and underscored qualitative research as a journey encompassing "gaze, process, and product."

More than 25 participants from three continents attended and engaged with Prince on how to arrive at the perfect fit of data collection and data analysis methods. We are looking forward to continuing this conversation on our SEPT community app!


 Janine Mörstedt

Janine Mörstedt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Raum I 469
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 33750