Nachricht vom

From February 27th to March 1st, 2024, our 1st-semester students embarked on an eye-opening excursion, exploring diverse organizations dedicated to the promotion and development of small and medium enterprises.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the incredible people who made this experience possible!

Organizations Visited:

  • IHK Potsdam
  • Landeshauptstadt Potsdam Wirtschaftsförderung
  • LUTRA GmbH
  • Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken
  • La Red – Vernetzung und Integration e.V.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
  • BMZ-Akademie Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
  • Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer
  • Camino gGmbH

This immersive journey allowed our students to connect with key actors at different levels, both regionally and internationally, in various sectors of the economy. Witnessing their commitment to local and global economic development was truly inspiring.

A special thank you to everyone involved in coordinating and planning this insightful experience. Your dedication has left an indelible mark on our students and added immense value to their academic journey.

Looking forward to continued collaboration and future opportunities to learn and grow together!

Learn more about our Master's Program


 Janine Mörstedt

Janine Mörstedt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Raum I 469
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 33750