Die Vorlesung Economic Policy findet im Sommersemester statt.

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Gunther Schnabl
Tutor: Alexander Herborn
Start: 04.04.2024
Datum: Donnerstag, 11:15 - 12:45
Room: Seminarraum 8 (I 132)
Sprache: Englisch

Ziele der Vorlesung

This course is on economic policy in theory and practice with a focus on financial-crisis related economic policy issues in both the advanced and emerging market economies. We discuss topics such as fiscal demand stimulus, the link between monetary policy and credit booms, problems of debt sustainability and liquidation as well as international aspects of the recent crisis and economic policy responses.



This course is part of the module International Economic Policy, which also comprises a course in European Integration as well as a seminar. Students can chose between participation in the seminar "Current Challenges in International Economic Policy Making" or "Growth in the Japanese Economy". Two-thirds of the module grade will be based on a written exam covering the two courses. For the seminar you will write a short term paper accounting for the remaining one-third of your module grade.

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