The Seminar "Current Challenges in International Economic Policy Making" takes place in the Summerterm.

Instructor: Dr. Moritz PfeiferAlexander Herborn
Start: Introductory Session 4.4. (S8)
Room: Seminarraum S8
Grading: Term Paper (Guidelines)
Topic Allocation: During the introductory session.
Deadline for First Drafts (non-graded): 31.05.2024    
Presentations: 12.06. and 19.06.2024 Hörsaal 17 
Deadline for Final Drafts (graded): 01.07.2024 via email to and       

Seminar Content and Learning Objectives

The seminar is part of the module International Economic Policy, which also comprises a course in Economic Policy and a course in European Integration. The seminar scrutinizes the current challenges in international economic policy making. Two-thirds of the module grade will be based on a written exam covering the two courses. For the seminar you will write a short term paper accounting for the remaining one-third of your module grade.

Requirements and Evaluation

Students are required to attend the entire seminar, present their papers and actively participate in the discussions.

Seminar Dates

There will be an introductory session to the seminar.



Date, Time

0. Seminar Topic Assignment


11:15 - 12:45

Seminar Topics

1. Reasons and Therapies for Overheated Labor Markets in Germany


Economic Policy Making in Italy under Georgia Meloni


Fiscal Deficits, Public Debt and Political Polarization in France


The Brexit and Financial Markets in the United Kingdom


Public Debt and the Redistribution of Income in the European Union


Public Spending, Inflation and Macroeconomic Stabilization in Turkey


War Financing and Growth in Russia


Goals and Risks of the US Inflation Reduction Act


The Sustainability of Public Debt in the United States


Monetary Tightening in Japan
11. The Real Estate Market and Growth in China since 2000
12. Global Monetary Tightening and the Sustainability of Public Debt in Latin America since the 1970s



Basic Literature

  • Krugman, Paul / Obstfeld, Maurice / Melitz, Marc 2011: International Economics: Theory and Policy, 9th. edition, Boston.
  • Caves, Richard / Frankel, Jeffrey / Jones, Ronald 2007: World Trade and Payments: An Introduction, 10th edition, Boston

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