We expand the range of courses offered by the Faculty of Economics and Management Science with lectures, tutorials and seminars on the economics of climate change and the valuation of nature. We also supervise students' final theses.

Bachelor's, English, regularly offered in the winter term


  • History and significance of nature's values in economics
  • Normative and ethical foundations of valuing nature
  • Empirical methods of valuing nature (e.g. revealed and stated preferences)
  • Principles for a sustainable economic use of natural public goods (e.g. climate, fish stocks, forests)
  • Policy instruments for the protection of nature's values
  • Economic accounting of nature's values
  • Benefit-cost analyses for the integrated valuation of nature


Masters, English, regularly offered in the summer term


  • Climate science basics
  • Impacts of climate change
  • Status quo of climate policy in Germany and worldwide
  • Benefit-cost analysis, integrated assessment models and social cost of carbon
  • Normative aspects of welfare analysis with climate-economy models
  • Compatibility of climate protection and economic growth
  • Policy instruments and the trade-off between efficiency and distributive justice


Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses within the subject areas of the research group is possible at any time. Please arrange an appointment by email.