On this page you will find all information about our master program.

enlarge the image: The research of the chair of Management Science/ Marketing is theoretically based and empirically oriented with relevance for companies and consumers. The following diagram visualizes central current research focus with 2-3 examples each. Research focus Our research is focused on strategic marketing. The main focus areas are Consumer Behavior, Digital Transformation & Innovation, New Media & Entertainment Science. New marketing-relevant methods are applied in all focal areas. Publications Journal articles Journal articles with hidden review process Conference papers Contact Professor Marchand on ORCID Logo of the chair of Management Science/ Marketing: large M consisting of three individual shapes and the lettering Marketing below it Cross links You might also be interested in Promotion Bachelor study On this page you will find all information about our doctoral program. A young woman is sitting in front of a laptop on the left side of the table. The young man next to her is looking at the screen. On the right side of the table two young women are sitting at work. The woman in the background is talking on the phone while looking at the screen. The woman in the foreground is making a note on the laptop and has a green coffee cup in her hand. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Photo: Colourbox, Kzenon


Current study documents of the Master's programs can be found in the Curricular Management on the website of the Office of Student Affairs and in the sidebar as download. Please note that the documents are written in German. If you need help with the translation, please contact us! Enrollment in the modules of the Faculty of Economic Sciences is done via the platform "Tool" or AlmaWeb. In some courses the Moodle platform is also used. You will receive enrollment keys in each of the first course dates.

Master Thesis

Every semester we announce master thesis topics for which you can apply (application deadlines are December 31 and June 31 each year). Please take a look at the current topic announcement a few weeks before these deadlines (we publish them in December and June each year).

This has the advantage that you only work on topics for which you get competent supervision (because we do research on these topics ourselves) and these topics are feasible and appropriate for a master thesis. Experience has shown that this is often problematic if you have your own idea for a topic. On the other hand, we do not want to ignore your creativity. So, if you have thought of a topic that fits our research focus and interests you very much, please explain your idea additionally in your topic application (just add a paragraph or a page in the bundled PDF file) and consider already the existing literature on this topic idea and the typical questions of an introduction (cf. the six intro questions in the guidelines). You can write your master thesis in German or English, we recommend English because it is the most used scientific language in marketing. As a rule, master's theses include empirical studies to be conducted by ourselves.

Please also read our obligatory guidelines.

Please note the general information on writing your Master's thesis on the website of the Office of Student Affairs.

In order to spend as much time as possible on the content part of your master thesis, you can use this format template.

Current Topic Announcement


Format Template


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