Jun.-Prof. Dr. Paul Lehmann

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Paul Lehmann

Junior Professor

VWL, Umwelt- und Energieökonomik (JP)
Ritterstraße 12, Room 208
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 33614
Fax: +49 341 97 - 33538

Professional career

  • since 09/2018
    Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management Science, University of Leipzig (Germany)
  • since 09/2017
    Head of the Junior Research Group „Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energies with Multiple Environmental Impacts – Policy Strategies to Mitigate Ecological Trade-offs of the Energy Transition“, Faculty of Economics and Management Science, University of Leipzig (Germany)
  • 07/2008 - 08/2017
    Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig (Germany)Since 04/2013: Spokesman of the interdisciplinary Working Group Energy cross-cutting UFZ social science departments
  • 05/2016 - 10/2016
    Visiting Researcher, Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford (UK)
  • 09/2005 - 12/2005
    Visiting Researcher, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC (USA)
  • 08/2004 - 06/2005
    Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig (Germany)


  • 01/2006 - 01/2010
    Dr. rer. pol. (equiv. Ph.D. in Economics), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) Grade: Summa cum laude Thesis: “Using a Policy Mix to Combat Climate Change – An Economic Evaluation of Policies in the German Electricity Sector” Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hansjürgens; Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Ahlert
  • 10/1998 - 05/2004
    Diplom-Betriebswirt (equiv. MBA), University of Leipzig (Germany) Grade: 1.3 (1.0 maximum) Thesis: „An Economic Evaluation of the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program“ Erasmus student at Universidad de Deusto, San Sebastian (Spain), 10/2000 – 08/2001
  • Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics
  • Institutional Economics and Political Economy
  • Applied Microeconomics
  • Applied to the analysis of energy, climate and water policy 

  • Green stimulus and investment programs
    Gawel, Erik
    Duration: 11/2020 – 04/2022
    Funded by: Andere öffentliche Bereiche
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: VWL, Umwelt- und Energieökonomik
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  • DEZ-ZIELKONFLIKTE - Decentralized energy system transformation between social justice, system costs and environmental protection - Conflicting goals and solution strategies
    Lehmann, Paul
    Duration: 06/2020 – 01/2022
    Funded by: BMWK Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: VWL, Umwelt- und Energieökonomik
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  • Consideration of biological diversity and ecosystem functioning as a basis for sustainable wind energy production in forests
    Peter, Franziska
    Duration: 12/2019 – 11/2022
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: VWL, Umwelt- und Energieökonomik
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  • Sustainable deployment of renewable energies with multiple environmental impacts - Policy strategies to address ecological trade-offs of the energy transition (MultiplEE)
    Lehmann, Paul
    Duration: 09/2017 – 08/2022
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: VWL, Umwelt- und Energieökonomik
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more projects

  • Grafström, J.; Söderholm, P.; Gawel, E.; Lehmann, P.; Strunz, S.
    Government support to renewable energy R&D: drivers and strategic interactions among EU Member States
    Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 2020. pp. 1–24.
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  • Lehmann, P.; Habermacher, F.
    Commitment Versus Discretion in Climate and Energy Policy
    Environmental and Resource Economics. 2020. 76 (1). pp. 39–67.
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  • Gawel, E.; Lehmann, P.
    Staatsprogramme gegen die Corona-Krise – eine Option für den Klimaschutz?
    Wirtschaftsdienst. 2020. 100 (7). pp. 510–515.
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  • Lehmann, P.; Ammermann, K.; Gawel, E.; Geiger, C. L.; Hauck, J.; Meier, J.-N.; Schicketanz, S.; Stemmer, B.; Tafarte, P.; Thrän, D.; Wolfram, E. E.
    Managing spatial sustainability trade-offs: The case of wind power
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more publications

Research fields

Environment, environmental protection, ecology


  • EEG (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz)
  • Windenergie
  • Erneuerbare Energien
  • Energiewende
  • Kohleausstieg
  • Nachhaltiger Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien
  • Emissionshandel

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-33608
Fax: +49 341 97-33538