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Lydie Laforet

Research Fellow

Wassermanagement und Klimaanpassung
Grimmaische Straße 12, Room I 440
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 33873

Professional career

  • since 04/2019
    Academic advisor for the Joint International Master's Programme in Sustainable Development at leipzig University.
  • since 03/2014
    Research associate at the chair for Environmental Technology in Water Management and for Corporate Environmental Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
  • 11/2006 - 08/2012
    Administrative coordinator in Pakistan, DR Congo and Lao PDR and programme coordinator in Tchad for humanitarian INGOs
  • 12/2004 - 09/2006
    Bank assistant in Private Banking (New York USA)


  • 10/2012 - 05/2019
    Master "Joint International Master's Programme in Sustainable Development" with major "social dimension in sustainable development" (Master of Science, Leipzig University)
  • 09/1999 - 03/2003
    Postgraduate education with a double degree in Economic and Management at Leipzig University (Diplom Kauffrau, major Marketing) and Lyon 2 University (Maitrise, majors Statistics, Empirical Economic Research and Informatic)
  • 09/1997 - 07/1999
    Undergraduate education in Economic and Management Studies (DEUG, University Lyon 2)

The focus of my research is on integrated sustainability assessments in the water sector with the aim of investigating trade-offs between environmental protection and economic well-being and advancing water conservation in the context of climate change.

My work takes a systemic and interdisciplinary approach that considers both the complexity of ecological processes and the interconnectedness of economic activities.

On the one hand, I deal with further developing the ecological assessment of water management products and services. On the other hand, I investigate the contribution of monetary and non-monetary environmental economic valuation approaches to the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive at the level of river basins or municipalities.

Applied research methods include life cycle assessment, material flow analysis, life cycle costing, economic valuation methods (alternative cost, residual value, change in net rent...).

  • Indicators of the economic importance of water
    Holländer, Robert
    Duration: 01/2015 – 10/2017
    Funded by: andere Bundesministerien
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Wassermanagement und Klimaanpassung
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  • Eco-efficiency of small sewage treatment plants
    Holländer, Robert
    Duration: 09/2013 – 03/2015
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Wassermanagement und Klimaanpassung
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more projects

  • Geyler, S.; Laforet, L.; Rüger, J.; Nowak, K.; Holländer, R.; Bertzbach, F.; Raehmel, P.; Klauer, B.; Schulz, A.; Schade, C.
    Indikatoren für die ökonomische Bedeutung von Wasser und Gewässern
    Dessau‐Roßlau. 2018.
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  • Laforet, L.; Lautenschläger, S.; Stich, G.; Töws, I.; Holländer, R.; Schimpke, J.; Wüstner, T.; Lange, A.
    Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Kleinkläranlagen mittels Ökoeffizienzanalyse zur Ableitung von Produktverbesserungen
    Berlin: Logos Verlag. 2016.
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  • Michel, B.; Geyler, S.; Laforet, L.; Holländer, R.
    Öko-Effizienz-Analyse (ÖEA) zur Prüfung der Verhältnismäßigkeit unterschiedlicher Maßnahmenoptionen zur Umsetzung des Gewässerschutzes in Werra/Weser zum Erhalt der Kaliproduktion im hessisch-thüringischen Kali-Gebiet. Gutachten im Auftrag des Hessischen (2016)
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  • Geyler, S.; Laforet, L.; Quadflieg, A.; Holländer, R.
    Eco-efficiency as an evaluation method of disproportionate costs within the Water Framework Directive
    In: Brebbia, C. A. (Ed.)
    Water and Society III. Southampton: WIT Press. 2015. pp. 55–66.
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more publications

  • Seminar "Water Use in LCA" (Summer term)

    The Master's level seminar focuses on water use in life cycle assessment (WULCA), a recent development within life cycle assessment (LCA).

    Students learn about the multiple environmental pressures associated with water use and are introduced to environmental impact pathway modelling. They are able to critically reflect on the applications and limitations of water footprinting for sustainable water resources management.

  • Seminar "Systems Science and Sustainability" (Winter term)

    This exploratory course at Master's level aims to study systems theoretical concepts and theories from different disciplines and discuss their relevance for sustainability science.

    Students are familiar with the properties and dynamics of complex (adaptive) systems and develop systems thinking skills needed to holistically analyse social-ecological and socio-technical systems and ultimately identify levers for changes toward sustainability.