Professional career
- 07/2023 - 10/2023
Research stay at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa with a focus on economic and financial education as well as training of vocational teachers and vocational education with a focus on economics and administration - since 03/2022
Doctoral Student at at the Institute of Business and Economics Education, Leipzig University - since 08/2019
Research Associate at the Institute of Business and Economics Education, Leipzig University - 10/2022 - 12/2022
Lecturer for subject units on qualitative research methods in the DAAD project "Chance 4 Science" with Ukrainian partner universities (Sumy State University, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and Donetsk National Technical University, Lutsk) in the courses of study in social and educational sciences as well as workhsops on qualitative research methods with PhD students - 04/2022 - 02/2024
Lecturer in the "VoCasian" project at Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia for PhD students for Module 3 "Research Methods - advanced" and Module 9 "VET Teaching and Learning Methods" - 01/2019 - 12/2020
Lecturer at the Bundeswehrfachschule in Naumburg/Saale, Department of Economics - 10/2014 - 07/2020
Working Student at b con d Marketingconsulting GmbH, Junior Consultant for energy supply companies - 08/2013 - 09/2014
Marketing Officer at Stadtwerke Lübeck GmbH - 09/2008 - 05/2009
Community service at Jena University Hospital
- 10/2018 - 11/2021
Master's Ddegree in Business and Economics Education with second subject German at Leipzig UniversityMaster Thesis on Survey and documentation of expertiential knowledge for the additional qualification Kaufmann/Kauffrau in der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft - 10/2014 - 09/2018
Bachelor Degree in Business and Economics Education with second subject German as foreign Language at Leipzig UniversityBachelor Thesis on Pension and long-term care insurance under the pressure of demographic change - economic analysis of a reform option in the focus of public finances - 08/2010 - 07/2013
Vocational training as industrial clerk at the Stadtwerke Lübeck Holding GmbH with the main fields of activities: Marketing - 10/2009 - 09/2010
Teacher training for secondary schools with the subjects sports and history at the Martin- Luther-University Halle/Wittenberg - 08/2006 - 07/2008
A-Levels (Abitur) at the Sportgymnasium „Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths “ Jena
- KIWi-MOOC: Massive Open Online Course on the promotion and measurement of AI competences in the domain of economyHapp, RolandDuration: 06/2023 – 12/2025Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Berufliche Bildung mit dem Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft
- Development and validation of a technology-based assessment for the diagnosis of financial competence close to financial actionFörster, Prof. Dr. ManuelDuration: 01/2025 – 01/2028Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Berufliche Bildung mit dem Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft
- Heidel, S.; Happ, R.Challenges in Understanding Western Economic and Financial Concepts from the Perspective of Young Adults with a Post-Soviet Migration Background in Germany – Findings from a Qualitative Interview StudyJournal of Risk and Financial Management. 2023. 16 (3).
- Heidel, S.; Schmidt, J.; Moschner, U.Informelle Lerngelegenheiten für den Erwerb ökonomischen und finanziellen Wissens bei jungen Erwachsenen ohne wirtschafts-wissenschaftliche Vorkenntnisse in Deutschland – die (besondere) Rolle der ElternIn: Hommel, M.; Aprea, C.; Heinrichs, K. (Eds.)bwp@ Profil 8: Netzwerke - Strukturen von Wissen, Akteuren und Prozessen in der beruflichen Bildung. Digitale Festschrift für Bärbel Fürstenau zum 60. Geburtstag. 2023. pp. 1–21.
Qualitative and quantitative methods for researching professional situations and teaching-learning processes (seminar)
Master Business and Economics Education, second semester
Module: 07-204-0412
Time: Wednesday, 09.15-10.45
Room: PC-Pool 3
Examples of use of qualitative and quantitative methods for researching professional situations and teaching-learning processes (exercise)
Master Business and Economics Education, second semester
Module: 07-204-0412
Time: Wednesday, 11.15-12.45
Room: PC-Pool 3